Each month licensed attorney Phil Coover sits down with an influential leader for his informative and entertaining podcast, Real Estate for Breakfast. The podcast's focus on real estate professionals and attorneys is a perfect fit for Wight & Company CEO Mark Wight. Mark earned a J.D. from the University of Notre Dame and, while never formally trained in architecture, engineering or construction, has been a determined student of the industry for more than 32 years.
In the November episode, Phil and Mark chat about the intricacies and challenges of architectural design and construction and the benefits to clients of Wight's integrated design-led approach that handles design to delivery all in one shop.
"When you have one team with one goal, remarkable things happen. It's also way more fun."
Mark Wight
Phil and Mark also discuss some of Wight's new and notable projects, including the Will County Courthouse where the focus is on transparency in justice. They close out their wide-ranging conversation with a candid conversation on how the COVID-19 global pandemic and the shift to remote working have impacted design and workplace trends and how the company is handling the pandemic.
Visit the Real Estate for Breakfast website to hear the full interview.