Our engineering teams assist clients in conjunction with our architectural team and are integral to creating the best overall solutions to design challenges. They are an important part of our continuous, effective, and efficient project coordination.


The structural engineering team has extensive experience in the design, analysis, project coordination, and project delivery of structural systems. They provide creative, efficient, structural design services for new and existing buildings, bridges, and transportation systems.

Civil & Land Development
Our land development team is comprised of civil engineers, landscape architects, stormwater specialists, and planners whose mission is to integrate site design, building design, rainwater solutions, and landscape amenities into a land “aesthetic” that complements campuses, neighborhoods, and communities while providing new opportunities to demonstrate sustainable site design and provide educational outreach.

Our Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (MEP) Engineering Group’s diversified team of professionals performs design engineering services for new and existing buildings. The group provides comprehensive expertise throughout all phases of a project by addressing the complex challenges of today’s building systems. The group’s extensive experience includes the analysis and design of building mechanical and electrical systems as well as site planning and improvement, including utility systems. They are also experts in sustainable design, energy-efficient strategies and assessments, and renewable energy design solutions for new and existing facilities. The team’s capabilities include energy modeling, energy-consumption forecasting, energy recovery systems, and carbon footprinting.

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